FatChanceRow Update July 05

July 4th went, we didn't blow up any of our flares or BBQ burgers on our gas stove. We did pump fresh water though; here's (the pic) Meredith at work, hand-pumping de-salinated water to have a liter (that's 1/4 of a gallon) for her Beauty shower while trying to preserve electricity by not using Mr Jeeves, the desalinator. She thinks it was a good arm workout, but not much water came out.

Speaking of Meredith, I'm now convinced women have an advanced sense of smell. Or maybe it only happens monthly, but it's one thing to smell I'm not exactly flower fresh (even after our deck "shower"), but she seems to smell my Parmesan cheese and nut butters through vacuum sealed packages too. Smell or magic, I can't explain.

July 4th, as well as several days before it, has been crunch time for us. Rowing, rowing and a bit more rowing. Steady pressure on oars and just hard work. We are working in direct side wind and trying to make maximum westerly progress. Tomorrow Monday we should cross 130 degrees west, which is a huge mental milestone and final goodbye to headwinds. At that point I should be able to make the first prediction about our Hawaii arrival date (in the absence of any major equipment or health failure....)

For those, like me, who have been inspired by Louis Zamperini, July 3rd was a sad day. He died at age 97. Louis' resilience, amazing survival story and athletic accomplishments have touched me deeply ever since I read Laura Hillebrand's book Unbroken. In fact, the entire Fat Chance Row project got its initial inspiration and idea from that very story. I've never met Mr. Zamperini, but I though of him and his life story all day while bouncing on the Pacific after I heard about him passing away. Rest in peace. I'm guessing thousands, if not millions of people have been inspired by that humble man and will carry his spirit on. I'd highly recommend Unbroken for anyone to read. (Don't worry, you will likely not want to row an ocean after the book,)

Back to oars.